About Eduardo Priuli
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But we are proud to say that Eduardo Priuli contributed 7 entries already.
Entries by Eduardo Priuli
Bando Qualità dell’aria 2020
Nell’ambito del Bando Qualità dell’Aria 2020 promosso dalla Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi sono stati premiati progetti di innovazione di grande rilevanza economica, sociale e ambientale, come ha ribadito lo stesso Ente erogatore. La presentazione delle domande di applicazione ha preso il via il 1 luglio e si è conclusa il 12 […]
Trace and new pollutants
Trace and New Pollutants Emissions from motor vehicles, industrial processes, power generation, the household combustion of solid fuel and other sources pollute the ambient air across the globe. The precise chemical and physical features of ambient air pollution, which comprise a myriad of individual chemical constituents, vary around the world due to differences in the […]
Nanoparticles (NP), particles that are roughly 1-100 nm in size, can be directly emitted into the atmosphere from primary sources or be formed in the atmosphere through nucleation of gas-phase species. NP can be divided into natural and anthropogenic particles and anthropogenic NP can be either inadvertently formed as a by-product, mostly during combustion, or […]
Citizen Science
Involving communities in the collection of scientific data (CITIZEN SCIENCE OR COMMUNITY SCIENCE) has been demonstrated to be one of the most effective methods to increase community engagement around environmental issues such as air quality and atmospheric pollution. Communities and scientists mutually benefit in participatory-based research improving the knowledge about local data and extending the […]
Bioaerosols are airborne particles that originate from biological sources including animals, plants, pollens, fungi, bacteria, protozoa and viruses and fragments or single molecules (allergens, endotoxin, mycotoxins…) derived from each of these sources.Bioaerosol monitoring and analysis is a rapidly emerging area of concern due to the relevant role bioaerosol may have on human health, atmospheric and […]

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The process of scientific discovery is, in effect, a continual flight from wonder.”
Albert Einstein