LE2C Lombardy Energy and Cleantech Cluster
We are a member of LE2C, the Regional technology cluster for energy and the environment. LE2C Cluster encompasses private companies, entrepreneurial associations, universities, knowledge and research centres, specialist bodies, public administration and financial institutions, working to promote and supply innovative solutions for energy and environmental applications.
IAS Italian Aerosol Society
We are Supporting Corporate Member of IAS (Italian Aerosol Society), a scientific society bringing together researchers and professionals with an interest in the science of atmospheric aerosols, a complex field with important scientific, health and environmental implications that require contributions from many diverse areas of expertise.
AIDII Associazione Italiana Degli Igienisti Industriali
We are Supporting Corporate Member of AIDII (Associazione Italiana degli Igienisti Industriali), a scientific society bringing together researchers and professionals in the field of industrial hygiene. Industrial hygiene is the scientific discipline aimed at identifying, evaluating and controlling environmental factors of a chemical, physical and biological nature that derive from production activities and that can negatively affect the health and well-being of workers and the population.