Evaluation of receptor and chemical transport models for PM10 source apportionment
Evaluation of receptor and chemical transport models for PM10 source apportionment” (Belis C.A. et al., 2020). Information on the origin of pollution constitutes an essential step of air quality management as it helps identifying measures to control air pollution. Source Apportionment (SA), that is the identification of ambient air pollution sources and the quantification of their contribution to pollution levels, can be accomplished using different approaches, including two types of SA models: receptor models and chemical transport models.
The article recently published in Atmospheric Environment, presents a comprehensive approach for the assessment of different source apportionment techniques used in Europe for SA application related to PM10 SA. The performance of both receptor models and chemical transport models was evaluated by assessing the results provided by 40 different research groups in the framework of an intercomparison organized by FAIRMODE WG3 (Forum for air quality modelling in Europe, Working Group 3). The intercomparison study provided a unique opportunity to compare and characterize the SA performances of different types of models and approaches, confirming the importance of cross validating the results of these two families of models.
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